After 9/11, a a group of technology experts offered on-line presentations with attendees contributing to charities. In this current situation, is again organizing a collection of on-line presentations. They are offered to everyone. It is requested that anyone who attends donate to the charity which the speaker has designated. If you are unable to make a donation due to circumstances, please attend anyway.
We are just starting to organize presentations. More will be coming shortly.
- Shifting testing left to build in quality
Presented by Ken Pugh
Thursday, March 26th 7:00 pm EDT Register[more]Built-In Quality is a key value in agile. Quality includes both building the right thing and building that thing right. Finding out too late that you have built the wrong thing or built the right thing wrong causes delay and waste. Shift testing left to build in quality revolves around Hypothesis Driven Development (HDD), Behavior Driven Development (BDD)/Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD), and Test-Driven Development (TDD). With HDD, you create an idea for a functional change and a hypothesis as to the customer’s use of that functionality. That hypothesis forms a test as to whether you are building the right thing. HDD typically involves the business and the product owner. With BDD/ATDD, tests are created for the functionality prior to its implementation to ensure you are building the thing right. BDD/ATDD involves the product owner, developer, and tester collaborating on creating behavior scenarios which become tests. Tests for internal components are created prior to coding with TDD to check that they are working properly. The developer or a pair of developers are typically involved in TDD. This session describes how HDD, BDD/ATDD, and TDD work together and how the different agile roles collaborate in these processes.
Other Information
Register for the presentation(s) you'd like to attend. You will receive a reply with a link to the schedule and a link to the charity to make a donation
Please note that there are attendee limitations for some presentation platforms. We do not have an attendee limitation feature in place at this time. Logon on promptly to ensure that you have a set
If you would like to give a presentation, create your Zoom meeting, and then click on this link and fill out the information. Presentation Form
- Your name
- Presentation Title
- Date and Time of Presentation
- Meeting link for presentation (e.g. webex, zoom)
- Link to charity you would like donations to go towards.
- Abstract of talk
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