13thweek.org Origins

On-line Seminars for September 11th Aid Followup

As consultants, teachers and mentors in the technology area, not firemen, policemen, rescue workers, or grief counselors, we were not able to assist directly the September 11 victems. During normal times, we teach a wide range of courses from programming to design to operating systems. But these were not normal times. Corporate training had been cut back drastically. Employees who need to learn were being told to buy a book. But you can't learn everything from a book. You need someone to answer questions or explain a topic slightly differently.

In return for a donation (suggested amount was $25), participants attended over 40 different hour long on-line question-and -answer seminars and presentations on technology topics, led by nationally recognized consultants. The seminars were held between October 15th and January 15, 2001.

Donations were made to the Familes of Freedom Scholarship Fund (http://www.familiesoffreedom.org) and the September 11th Fund at (http://www.september11fund.org).

The original website was thirteenweek.org